
Another energetic model is possible

A medida que crece la población mundial, aumentan las necesidades de energía y también la cantidad de CO2 que emitimos. Estudios recientes calculan que, en el año 2030, seremos 8,3 mil millones de personas en la Tierra y que la demanda de energía será un 53% mayor. Esto supone que también emitiremos un 55% de CO2. Si nuestro planeta ya se resiente a día de hoy, ¿podemos seguir viviendo a este ritmo de consumo?. Las fuentes de energías no renovables se están agotando. Es extremadamente importante buscar otro modelo energético que reduzca las emisiones de carbono a la atmósfera, para intentar luchar contra el cambio climático. La organización Greenpeace propone el modelo Energía 3.0, basado en energías 100% renovables, y que permitiría reducir a cero las emisiones hacia mitad de este siglo. No sólo las nuevas tecnologías pueden ayudarnos a conseguirlo. Hay muchas medidas que puedes tomar desde tu casa para seguir en la lucha. Descubre cómo.

100% reneweable in El Hierro

This video includes the interviews to the press manager of the company Gorona del Viento, who explains with every detail the project called “100% renewable in El Hierro Island”. This project tries to achieve autonomy for the island regarding the energy, thanks to a system that combines hydraulic energy and wind power. This video is completed with the interview to the president Cabildo, who exposes the criteria that are being applied on the management of the economic development and the natural environment conservation of the island.

Sergio de Otto

Sergio de Otto is the representative of the Renewable Foundation, an institution that has its origin in a city movement that tries to promote a change on the energy model. This foundation wants to change the current energy model, based on the energy creation using fossil fuel (oil, charcoal, gas) and nuclear power stations. The change of model must be based on the energy saving, efficiency and the production of energy created with renewable energy sources (solar
energy, wind power, biomass, etc.) Sergio describes all the problems caused by the use of non-renewable energy sources, among them, the global warming and the viability of changing the situation thanks to the use of energy created by renewable sources of energy.

David Berlanga

David Berlanga, director of Indaber Ibiza, informs about the services that his company offers. It is devoted to the Engineering and Technical Consultancy and gives his opinion about the environmental and economic benefits that the implantation of the new energy models based on renewable energy will produce.

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